Tuesday, October 26, 2010

sitting up for the FIRST time!!!!!

Miss P is finally sitting up! We have been practicing with a little bit of support on the back, holding her hands, or in the Bumbo seat and more often than not, when I let go for a brief moment it results in a bit of a topple. But on Sunday night (during our daily nude/air out the bum/diaper free session), she didn't topple! In fact, she sat this way for a few minutes. We had to catch her and prop her back up a few times but it definitely qualified as sitting up on her own. What a big girl! Everyone always says how fast time goes with children and to make sure to appreciate every moment. I realized how true that is when she reaches another milestone in life. Yeah Miss P!
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naked buns

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artsy photo shoot

The sun was coming in through the stained glass window in our dining room today and I had to take advantage of this kodak moment. She was wondering what the heck mom was so excited about and gave me some really adorable facial expressions. What a face!
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woah red hair!

Miss P's hair has been looking more and more red lately and this pic really shows just how red it is, or rather orange. It's coming in much thicker on the top, like a mohawk...very cute! I am guessing she will eventually have freckles too, just like her mom and her aunties. Thanks Gran, I am pretty sure you are the one passing along the red hair gene!
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

first cereal (cont.)

"Wait, I like this spoon better than this cereal..."

"Do I have something on my face?"

"No more, NO MORE!"

"Let me out of this seat, I am D-O-N-E!"
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first cereal

Last night we decided it was time for cereal! She has been eyeballing my cereal every morning for weeks, grabbing our spoons and bowls, and tugging at our glasses (beer bottles and wine glasses included, ha). She seemed very curious about food in general and has stopped sleeping through the night because she is such a big girl, she wakes up hungry more often (I thought it was supposed to work the other way, as they get bigger, they sleep longer...hmmm). Anyway, Gramy Rosie was here to witness the event and what fun it was! I am pretty sure she wore more of it than she ate but she seemed to enjoy the experience. We will try again tonight!
"Smells like mommy's milk but feels kinda funny in my mouth..."

"Okay, maybe I can dig this...."

"Wow, I kinda liked that....."
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apple picking

A couple weekends ago we decided to go on an apple picking adventure with the Frack's. It was a beautiful day and the orchard was buzzing with people (and bees!). Miss P loved the apples and tried to take a bite out of several but that proved to be a difficult task for her, what with no teeth and all! Someday Miss P, someday!
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